
by Lucy Teitler

Second Stage Uptown

Reviewing the Drama,

"It is a tidy and engaging play, well-written and well-executed (direction is by Kimberly Senior). Though literary allusions abound, the dialogue sounds natural, and the detours into inner-monolgue-land offer fun and funny diversions. (Also fun diversions: the on-stage dance parties during scene transitions.)"

Front Row Center, Tulis McCall

"There are some stunning gems in this play…the production itself is buoyed by the cast and director. You end up thinking about your own layered life and the ways in which you not only live it but present it."

Talkin' Broadway, Matthew Murray

"Kimberly Senior has directed with sharpness and an ear for comedy."

CurtainUp, Deirdre Donovan

"Kimberly Senior, who helms this production, knows how to move things along, and executes seamless transitions from one scene to the next."

Epoch Times, Diana Barth

"Along the way we are treated to some terrific and imaginative staging by director Kimberly Senior, including several sharp and beautifully executed dance sequences by the cast."


Wilson Chin


Jennifer Schreiver


Ryan Rumery


Beth Goldenberg

Photos by:

Joan Marcus